
All the food supplements and vitamins in Biolab's Farmagenéricos range carry the exclusive Maximum Quality Grade (MGQ) seal. This means that every choice is made with extreme care: from the design of the product, through the selection of raw materials and tests, to the ideal packaging. It's the highest degree of quality for a better performance of our products.

Icon representing Food produced in a Pharma Grade Industrial Plant:
Food produced in a Pharma Grade Industrial Plant:

Manufactured in certified industrial plants, under the same quality criteria as Biolab medicines, which guarantees the concentration of nutrients in each dose.

icon representing quality raw materials:
Quality raw materials:

Our food supplements and vitamins are produced with raw materials that are even suitable for the manufacture of medicines.

icon representing differentiated and individual packaging:
Differentiated and individual packaging:

Generic Line products are stored and protected individually in aluminum blisters and PVC film, which guarantees product stability and prevents contamination.

icon representing softgel technology:
Softgel technology:

Easier to swallow and digest, tasteless and dissolving quickly in the stomach.

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